Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Capital Good Fund - Fellowship

About Capital Good Fund:

Founded in 2009 by Brown University alumni Andy Posner and Mollie West, the mission of Capital Good Fund (CGF) is to provide equitable financial services that build assets and create opportunity.  Specifically, we offer low to middle income individuals Financial Coaching +, unsecured loans and free tax preparation through the IRS VITA program.  To date, we have closed 201 loans totaling $329,953, provided free tax preparation to over 560 people (returning $683,342 to the community) and graduated over 150 individuals through Financial/Entrepreneurship Coaching. Starting in September 2013, we are launching a randomized control study in the Providence Public School District, with the goal of improving the educational outcomes of elementary school students through providing Financial Coaching + to parents. We are growing fast and are recruiting for our fifth round of Fellows to help us achieve scale and maximize social impact.

About the Fellowship:

Fellows will provide one-on-one, outcomes based financial and health coaching on the topics of goal-setting and budgeting; debt and banking; credit and savings; and health, equipping our clients with the tools to stabilize their financial situations and move in an upwardly direction.

As a Fellow, you will:
§  Spend approximately two thirds of your time providing financial and health coaching and the remainder on an individual project such as spearheading a new marketing initiative or working on an underwriting algorithm.
§  Receive substantial training and mentorship from our Senior Management and external partners.
§  Commit to two semesters beginning in August 2013: either Fall/Spring or Fall/Summer.
§  Work approximately 10 hours/week, depending on client demand.
§  Conduct sessions in our office in downtown Providence or at various elementary schools in the Providence area.

About You:

We are looking for exceptional people. Fellows are passionate, motivated and committed college students or young professionals looking for a unique way to learn about finance and health and change the lives of locals struggling with their personal finances. A background in finance or health is not required, but is appreciated; we value a diverse set of skills and experiences and will train you extensively. We require that our Fellows have an entrepreneurial and social mindset, and are willing to commit themselves fully to the Fellowship. Fellows must be able to deliver materials in a one-on-one setting and learn quickly. Fluency in Spanish is not required but is preferred.

To Apply:

Complete the application on their website (www.capitalgoodfund.org/aboutus/employment) by September 6, 2013. If you have any questions or issues with the application process, please email Cameron Cunningham, Head Financial Coach, at Cameron@capitalgoodfund.org.

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